If you are like me, you're already thinking that I'll be doing a few more entries over the course of the next few weeks and then give up on it again. That would indeed fit the pattern of most bloggers. I'm not afraid to create digital media. In fact, I spend several hours every day creating content for my students and interacting on my social media channels. And I can't wait for my optical HUD implant.
I must admit that my original intentions for blogging may not have been pure; self promotion, validation, being an altruistic resource for others, keeping up with the Jones's. Honestly, every time I was composing a blog entry I felt I was wasting valuable energy that should have been used to design more innovative experiences for my students. My writing style tends toward run on sentences and stream of consciousness so I cringe internally every time I click the publish button, worrying that the spelling/grammar police are just waiting to drag me down. I also love reading blogs regularly and maybe that has set the bar high enough to scare me off. BUT, after reading the book #InnovatorsMindset by @gcouros I have cast such concerns aside.
- My One Sentence
- My sweet project challenges that unleash student creativity and innovation
- Identity Day Prep
- Projects I'd love to collaborate with you on!
- Help! How do I foster continual project engagement?
- VR for the masses using BlocksmithXR
- What I wish all these cool ed books I read would include