Saturday, May 5, 2018

JnoodleLIVE! update and projects I'd love to collaborate with you on!

Had a few hiccups with our premier webisode of JnoodleLIVE! last April 26th at 11:30 am PST.
but overall it was a good experience and we got some positive feedback.  

Most exciting was the reveal of Robin's secret challenge, i.e. Making a game about making a game!  Even though the premise of JnoodleLIVE! is to show potential game devs the process of team formation and problem solving in real time, I can't resist the urge to make plans for how my idea of such a game might work.  Robin is laying down the framework in Twine.
I'm making a dialog system in Fusion.

Fallon is preparing to leave for his EVERYDAY tour but he should be back joining our efforts in a few weeks.  We'll notify you of the next live stream and promise you that under the hood unscripted experience.  

My current FRONT BURNER Projects are
6 of the previous projects are ongoing but 3 are about to reach completion.  I had mentioned in an earlier post that I'd be talking about "projects I'd love to collaborate with you on", so with some front burners about to be freed up, who would like to collaborate on one of the following?
I'm going to have to get an industrial stove with more front burners now :)